Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Crafting is like an addiction

Recently, I've been busy surfing the internet for crafting blogs.. I've been so amazed by some of the wonderful stuff people do!  I've decided, you know what, if they can do it, I can do it too... But that is until I have a little bit of spending money.. :)  And maybe a house I can horde!

Yesterday, I was cleaning and I found the styrofoam wreathe I purchased a couple of weeks ago from DollarTree, and decided I needed to do something with this.. But I don't have anything... Surfed on the net for a bit and found this link...

... From that... I made this.....

I LOVE it!!!  Man, I've got so much ideas in my head for this wedding that I'm not even sure when we're going to have!!!  I can't wait until that day so I can blog all about my crafting... :)

Until then, I will be starting a new job next Tuesday or Wednesday.  That means more money to spend AND SAVE... for this wedding.. We're sorta hoping by next year, so crosses my fingers that this day will come!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Wholesale Fragrances???

So I joined a business yesterday that sales fragrances at about a third of a price of what it comes for at any department store..  My goal yesterday was to try to get Family and Friends to buy as much as I could... All I got was 2 sales.. Is this worth it?? I think it is.. but I keep contradicting myself.. My goal yesterday was only 15 bottles, but sadly I was not even close.. Maybe because it was last minute and a lot of people didn't have money.. And specially the fact that a lot of the fragrance people were asking for, I didn't have!!
A plus about the fragrances is that they are the top of the line fragrance, "Eau de Parfum" in a 3.3 fl oz TESTER bottle and all sales for only $27!  That is one hell of a steal!!
My confidence is like only.. 33% as of right now, I don't understand why my bosses choose me of the 300 resumes they received, but I'm hanging in there and pushing as hard as I can.. I have the motivation and drive, I need the confidence!!!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Lego Batman and Robin Cake

I've been away for a while because I've been really lazy and don't have anything to post.  This past weekend, my friend was throwing a birthday for her son who was turning 4.  She had asked me to make a cake for him.  Knowing that he loves Lego Batman and Robin, I started looking online for ideas.  This is what I came up with...
I had a hard time trying to cover the cake with fondant because apparently my landlord did not inform me that our A/C does not work... And with my place steaming HOT, I wasn't able to hold the pieces together.  All I did was just whipped some cream and iced it.  I had originally asked my bf to work on Batman while I worked on Robin but he had to go to bed because he had to wake up early to go drill the next morning.  My roommate came and helped me with Batman.  When I did Robin's mouth, I didn't realize that my coloring had gotten onto his mask.. It looks like he's dirty. LOL.. Anyways, the kids liked it.  Kody sat in front of the cake admiring Robin (his favorite). 

Something new that I've been surfing lately online is crafting.  I found some pretty awesome sites... Here are my two favorites.

And trust me there will be plenty more to come..  I did find a lot of amazing ideas for a wedding that I've been sorta planning for myself and the bf... If that day does come. :)  Until next time..